A number of years ago, I completed my first masters degree in leadership. One of the learnings I remembered most was that from Peter Senge on learning organizations. His book, The Fifth Discipline still sits in a place of honour on my bookshelf.
In order to live a meaningful life, Millennials feel the need to accomplish something significant. It needs to matter, not just to them, but to others around them; to their personal collection of stakeholders.
Until a few weeks ago, the average person would have barely heard about Huawei, but suddenly, this Chinese tech giant is global news and is at the centre of a geopolitical row. WHY? And what does this mean for the global rollout of 5G networks?
My first car was an 87’ Suzuki Swift. It was white, with tinted windows and a purple strip light underneath. I had modified it to look cool while night-cruising around the beach in Whiterock, BC.
Decision making is a vital component of business success. Decisions that are based on a foundation of knowledge and sound reasoning can lead you and your company into long-term prosperity.
Last Thursday I spoke briefly at the annual kickoff event for Al Masaood Automobiles in Abu Dhabi. I have been working on strategy and leadership development with their top 3 tiers of management for about 6 months now.
The human brain is amazing. It got us to the moon, cured diseases and created awesome inventions, yet for some reason we can’t go more six minutes without checking our phones – research shows we now check our phones up to 150 times per day. Our attention spans are equivalent to that of a fish. Focus is a lost art.
We had an excellent discussion on my podcast, Business is Personal recently. We spoke frankly about a topic that many companies express they struggle with in Dubai – hiring and retaining top talent.
I run lots of obstacle course races. I run Wadi Adventure Race, Spartan, NAS Night Challenge, Desert Warrior Challenge, Tough Mudder, and Urban Ultra races.
What makes life meaningful? The movies we watch or those we watch them with? The work we do, or the promotion we get when it’s recognized? The diapers we change, or the child we are raising?
Just this week I saw a screenshot of a participant in a leadership training program (not mine, haha) who was not only lying in bed during the program, but fast asleep with his camera on.